Conference PROGRAM

Download the full Conference Program, but we suggest to walk through the schedule* below

*To view sessions it is highly recommended to use Chrome browser 

08:30-09:45 Registration
room 312, Building of Geographical faculty, BSU
(16, Leningradskaya str.)
10:00-10:15 Conference Opening
room 312, Building of Geographical faculty, BSU
10:15-11:10 Plenary Session 1
room 312, Building of Geographical Faculty, BSU
11:10-11:30 Coffee Break
room 321, Building of Geographical Faculty, BSU
11:30-12:30 Plenary Session 2
room 312, Building of Geographical Faculty, BSU
12:30-13:30 Lunch Pause
13:10-15:00 Online Session O1
boarcasting at room 517, Main Building, BSU
13:30-15:30 In-person Session A1
room 522, Main Building, BSU
15:30-15:50 Coffee Break
room 517, Main Building, BSU
15:40-17:30 Online Session O2
broadcasting at room 517, Main Building, BSU
15:50-17:30 In-person Session A2
room 522, Main Building, BSU
18:00-22:00 Conference Dinner (by personal invitations only)

Download the full Conference Program, but we suggest to walk through the table* below

*To view sessions it is highly recommended to use Chrome browser 

09:30-10:00 Registration
room 522, Main Building, BSU
(4, Nezavisimosti av.)
10:00-12:00 In-person Session A3
room 522, Main Building, BSU
12:00-12:30 Pause
12:30-14:30 In-person Session A4
room 522, Main Building, BSU
14:30-15:00 Pause
15:00-17:00 In-person Session A5
room 522, Main Building, BSU

Download the full Conference Program, but we suggest to walk through the table* below

*To view sessions it is highly recommended to use Chrome browser 

09:15-9:45 Registration
room 522, Main Building, BSU
(4, Nezavisimosti av.)
09:45-12:30 Hybrid Session H1
room 522, Main Building, BSU
12:30-13:00 Conference Closing
room 522, Main Building